The gentleman who commissioned me to build this 24th scale model of his Georgian Style House in Devizes, Wiltshire was a retired doctor and he wanted it made for his wife’s 70th Birthday. He discovered my business whilst on holiday in Cumbria and took away one of my leaflets.
He contacted me once he was back home by letter, enclosing some photos of the house and asked me about the costs involved. I had to reply back to him, care of his neighbour, as it was to be a secret present. As it was over two hundred miles away from my workshop, I asked him to measure the exterior of the house and to take more photos of the finer details so that I could get the model as accurate as possible. The next step was to draw working plans of the house and send them down to him so that he could see what the final product would look like, together with an estimate for the work.
In the photo’s below, I have shown the drawings I prepared to enable me to construct the model house.
Having completed the house arrangements had to be made to get it to her on time for her Birthday. So the day before I loaded it into my van and drove down to near Bristol and stayed overnight in a travelodge. The following morning I drove on to Devices and whilst he had asked his wife to go to the shops for some bits for lunch, I got it into the house and dressed it with a big yellow ribbon and a bouquet of flowers. He had told his wife that some friends were coming for lunch as a way of getting her to go shopping. When she returned he ushered into the lounge and revealed her birthday surprise.
She was one extremely happy lady and couldn’t believe how he had managed to get it built without her finding out. I stayed for lunch and he settled his bill and he was more than happy with the end result.